The parent is a hostile action casualty

A child whose parents died from a hostile action is entitled to a benefit up to 21. The benefit is paid as a supplement to the allowance paid to a widow/er living with a child. The amount of the benefit is calculated as a percentage of public servant salary at a grade of 19 on the administrative scale, with added social advantages such as monthly grossing up.

The child is further eligible for a wide range of benefits and grants, designed to assist him in many fields such as lifestyle, studies, housing, marriage, vocational rehabilitation, financial issues and so forth.

A child whose both parents died due to a hostile action is entitled to special benefits and advantages.

Supplement for a child to widow's/er's monthly allowance

  • Child under 21– his parent, widow or widower, will receive a benefit rate of 246.3% of the salary of a public servant's salary at a grade of 19 on the administrative scale, which include a supplement for child. A supplement amounting to 11% of the benefit amount is paid for each additional child. Besides, a widow or widower receive a grossing up supplement for each child up to 18 years old.
    If the child is performing is compulsory military service, the widowed parent will continue to receive the supplement, even when the child reached age 21. And as long as the child performs compulsory service.

Benefits rates to widow/er with supplement for children up to 21 years old   

Benefit amount
Widow/er with one childNIS 12,746.84 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
Widow/er with 2 children{210803}
Widow/er with 3 children{210804}
Widow/er with 4 children{210805}
Widow/er with 5 children{210806}
Widow/er with 6 children{210807}
 Widow/er with 7 children{210808}


Monthly benefit for a child to the deceased's ex-spouse

The ex-spouse of the deceased will receive for his child who lives with her a benefit amounting to 129.2% of a public servant's salary at a grade of 19 on the administrative scale – NIS 4,746.47 per month. The widow will receive a supplement of 24% of the benefit for each additional orphan.


If the child needs, for medical or educational grounds, special treatment or supervision in institution or other framework, outside the mother's home, the National Insurance Institute is allowed to pay, instead of a monthly allowance, the costs of medical care or supervision. 


Child living on his/her own (independent orphan)

Belongs in that category an orphan under 21 who does not live with the widowed parent:

  • Orphans who were removed from the widow's/er's house by court order or upon recommendation of a welfare official.
  • Orphans who got married under 21.

The child is entitled to a monthly benefit paid to the ex-spouse of the deceased for the first child – NIS 4,746.47.

Not all children who were removed from their home can be recognized as independent orphans. The decision depends on the child's age and ability to manage his money independently, as well as on the reports made by the welfare official and the recommendation of the rehabilitation worker.


Orphan who lost both parents, one of them killed in a hostile action

An orphan, who lost both parents, one of them passed away due to a hostile action and, at the time of the injury, the child was still under 21, will receive a benefit until the age of 25. The rate of the benefit is similar to the benefit paid to the deceased's ex-spouse for the first child – NIS 4,746.4. The benefit is paid to the legal guardian of the child as long as he's a minor. Upon turning 18, the child can opt to receive the benefits on his own bank account.


Benefits for a child who lost both parents in a hostile action



A child whose both parents were killed in a hostile action qualifies for psychotherapy funding.

To obtain treatment, one must contact the rehabilitation worker of the closest local NII branch. Therapy will only be conducted by an authorized psychotherapist, qualified to treat patient within an authorized healthcare framework. The rehabilitation worker will sum up with you the issues to be addressed and the goals of therapy, then determine the type of therapy, as well as its frequency and duration.

If, towards the end of the therapy, it turns out that an additional treatment is needed, the matter will be examined by a special commission (Senior Professional Commission).

Additional benefits and grants


An orphan is entitled to various benefits and grants designed to help him in all areas of life: in funding a tutor and support courses, in high school, in vocational training and academic education, in housing and when getting married, in vocational and economic rehabilitation, in medical treatments and purchasing medical aids, and more.